Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season! Have a safe and happy holiday.  We look forward to working with you all in the coming year!

We will be back on Jan 6th ready to rock 2020!

Service Specialists

Our dedicated service department van is all over town. For simple repairs, lighting installations to troubleshooting more complex problems, call on us for all you electrical needs.

Renovations – Our Specialty

We are almost wrapped up another renovation. Here we replaced outdate track lighting with clean looking pot lights, making a huge difference in lighting up the room. Adding  modern plugs, switches and fixtures transforms your space from old to new, giving it a new lease on life!

No More Flickering Lights

Nothing is more annoying flickering fluorescent  lights. We are often called to commercial spaces to replace ballasts, or make the change to LED. For all your residential and commercial repairs give our dedicated service team a call and light up your space!

Mascot for a Day

Nixon was very interested in what Aaron, our electrician, was doing at a service call and followed him around all day!  Aaron named him newest apprentice and decked him out with a team hat! Our dedicated service department is always busy doing minor repairs, lighting installations and all the small jobs that keep our customers homes functional and safe.

Expansion Project – Bowen Island Pizza

We recently completed this expansion project for Bowen Island Pizza at Lonsdale Quay. Tenant improvement projects are one of our most enjoyable specialties. Working with the owners to create their lighting design, upgrade their electrical systems to handle new equipment and make their expansions dreams a reality is a very satisfying experience for our top-notch team of electricians. Next time you are craving pizza check out the new and improved eatery at Lonsdale Quay. The best pizza around – highly recommended by our ravenous crew!

Residential Renovations Vancouver

Another Successful Project

We recently complete this project upgrading the entire electrical system and adding additional lighting. It is always gratifying to see the final product and the smiles on the homeowners faces! Successful systems surrounding communication, transparency and quality is our recipe for success every time.

New Lighting for Robinson Lighting

We were happy to help our friends at Robinson Lighting and Bath Centre on Cambie this week updating their store lighting and displays. As the recommended Electrical Contractor for Robinson it was nice to have a chance to work alongside them directly and bring their new and improved vision to light.

Happy BC Day from the Wicks Crew

We wish all our fellow British Colombians a wonderful, relaxing and safe long weekend. We hope you can get out into the great outdoors and enjoy all the beauty BC has to offer. We’ll be back at it next week, rested, relaxed and renewed!

Happy Canada Day!

All of us at Wicks Electric wish you a Happy Canada Day!  Be safe and have fun while enjoying this great country of ours. With hot summer days ahead call us for all your electrical needs: new fans, air conditioners, outdoor lighting and anything else, indoor or outdoor that you may need to improve your living space!